The CVBC Board of Directors consists of dues-paying members, including a President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. Five members must be present at a board meeting to achieve a quorum. Board members are elected by the membership at the annual symposium in November.
Patricia Bacchetti

Patricia Bacchetti

Though living in the Bay Area for the last 33 years, Pat remains a Central Valley girl at heart. She practiced veterinary medicine near Richmond and enjoys County Birding in this wondrous state that we live in.
Cliff Hawley
Vice President

Cliff Hawley

Cliff was raised in the Central Valley and discovered a love of birds at 14 when he found a male Vermilion Flycatcher in his yard. He lives and works in Sacramento with his wife and daughter, and enjoys county birding throughout the state.
Lily Douglas

Lily Douglas

Lily grew up in San Francisco, where she began birding in high school, but has lived in Sacramento for 20 years now and considers the Central Valley to be home. When not birding, she works as a Senior Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento.
John Harris

John Harris

John is retired from teaching biology at Mills College. He has studied small mammals in California’s deserts and the Central Valley for many years and enjoys birding and exploring new places in his free time. John is also active in Stanislaus Audubon Society.
Frances Oliver
Membership Coordinator

Frances Oliver

Frances became involved with the CV Bird Club in 1997 and has been on the Board since 2006. She is the Membership Chair, and the Lay-out Editor for the Bulletin. Her passion for birding knows no bounds.
Dan Airola

Dan Airola

Dan is a professional Wildlife Biologist who has worked on endangered species and conservation issues in Northern California for over 3 decades. He has served as the editor of the CVBC Bulletin since 2011.
Stephanie Levins

Stephanie Levins

Stephanie has worked in bird conservation in multiple states and countries over the past 12 years, which is how she got into birding. She currently works as a Senior Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento. In her free time, Stephanie combines her love of birds with her pottery hobby.
John Sterling

John Sterling

John has been a birder since 1971 and a professional biologist since 1981. As a biologist, he has worked for the Smithsonian Institution, H.T. Harvey & Associates, US Forest Service Research Labs and many other organizations. He has his own company, Sterling Wildlife Biology.