Davis Lake in Plumas County is the most densely populated area of Flammulated Owls in the northern Sierra. A banding study, led by the Plumas Audubon Society in collaboration with the Plumas National Forest office, is studying forest management practices and their impact on owl populations, the use of nest boxes for conservation, and further understanding of this little owl’s migratory patterns. Participants are able to observe Flammulated Owls, the only neo-tropic migrant owl in North America, at nest boxes and in the hand-a rare treat with this hard-to-see species. We were able to take a peek at owlets in one of the boxes with a remote camera, and observe the team banding an adult pair in 2014. David Arsenault, Plumas Audubon’s Executive Director, gave a presentation on the owl’s biology and management. More information can be found at: http://www.plumasaudubon.org/research-and-monitoring2.html